#1 Best-Seller

How To Heal

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    "Jessi Beyer speaks directly to the trauma survivor in this terrific and encouraging review of avenues for healing that go beyond conventional talk therapy."

    Alex Jordan, PhD

    McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical Center

    What you get:

    Grab your free digital copy of the #1 best-selling book, How To Heal, today. In these pages, you will learn about Jessi's personal experience with trauma and her impetus for writing this book, what trauma is and why it's the largest public health crisis in the country, and nine natural and integrative therapies you can use to release your trauma.

    Written by a trauma survivor for the sole purpose of providing information Jessi wished she knew when she was healing from her trauma, How To Heal reads like a letter from your best friend, not a psychology textbook.

    This isn't a book that teaches you to manifest your way to healing. How To Heal shares practical and actionable therapies backed by published research, expert interviews, and personal experience.

    What is it all about?

    The National Council for Behavioral Health estimates that seven out of every ten people you know will experience a trauma during their lifetimes – perhaps even you. When that happens, though, what do you do? For speaker and mental health advocate Jessi Beyer, it meant doing nothing and avoiding therapy like the plague.

    What she did not know, though, is that there were alternatives to talk therapy. You could spend time with horses, go on a walk through the woods, or dance your way through healing. If you are moving through your trauma healing journey and are looking for an alternative to talk therapy, then you have landed in the right place.

    How To Heal details nine natural and integrative therapy methods that can be a powerful addition to your healing journey: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Craniosacral Therapy, Mindfulness and Meditation, Dance-Movement Therapy, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, Equine-Assisted Therapy, Canine-Assisted Therapy, Ecotherapy and Nature-Based Therapies, and Flower Essence Therapy.

    Written by a fellow trauma survivor, How To Heal includes information beyond the therapies to help you understand what trauma is, how it affects your life, and how you can help someone who struggles with a past traumatic experience.